No. 22, Jalan Anggerik Mokara 31/44
Kawasan Industri Kota Kemuning
40460 Shah Alam, Selangor, MALAYSIA.

+603 5525 1000


Blueberry Ice Cream


  • 226gm Cottura Cream Cheese
  • 397gm condensed milk
  • 480ml Westgold Whipping Cream
  • 250gm Fruttose Blueberry Pie Filling and Topping
  • 1/2cup fresh blueberries
  • 8-12pcs Gullon Digestive Roll (crushed into crumbs)


  • 226gm Keju Krim Cottura
  • 397gm susu pekat
  • 480ml Krim Putar Westgold
  • 250gm Inti Blueberri Fruttose
  • 1/2 cawan blueberri
  • 8-12 keping biskut Gullon (dihancurkan)


  • 226克 Cottura 奶油奶酪
  • 397克 炼乳
  • 480毫升 Westgold 鲜奶油
  • 250克 Fruttose蓝莓陷
  • 1/2杯 蓝莓
  • 8-12片 Gullon消化饼干(敲碎)


  1. Using mixer to beat cream cheese on high speed until smooth and creamy, add in condensed milk and whisk until well combined.
  2. In another bowl, whisk whipping cream on high speed until stiff peak formed. Gently fold in cheese mixture and blueberry filling until well combined. Lastly, stir in blueberry and biscuit crumbs.
  3. Pour the mixture into a container, cover it and freeze overnight.

Cara Membuat:

  1. Guna mixer dengan kelajuan tinggi pukul keju krim sehingga lembut dan gebu, masukkan susu pekat dan gaul sebati.
  2. Guna mangkuk lain, pukul krim putar dengan kelajuan tinggi sehingga kembang. Masukkan adunan keju krim dan inti blueberri, gaul sebati. Akhirnya, campurkan blueberri dan biskut hancur, gaul sehingga sebati.
  3. Tuangkan adunan aiskrim ke dalam bekas, tutup dan terus simpam ke dalam peti ais satu malam.


  1. 用搅拌机以高速把奶油奶酪搅拌至顺滑,加入炼乳搅拌均匀。
  2. 在另外一个搅拌盆里,用搅拌机以高速把鲜奶油打发。把奶酪糊和蓝莓陷倒入打发好的鲜奶油,由下往上翻拌均匀。加入蓝莓粒和消化饼干拌匀。
  3. 把冰淇淋倒入冷藏用的盒子,密封冷藏至少一天。